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Woman trapped indoors fearful of the Taliban says the world has 'left Afghanistan behind'

'All the world has left us behind', a female aid worker trapped in Afghanistan feels she has been 'left behind' by the West 'to die'

A female aid worker trapped in her room in Afghanistan has said the world is abandoning her country and the people in it, as she told ITV News: "I'm counting my days, I'm counting my hours - when is it my turn to die?"

The woman, who ITV News is not identifying for her safety, said: "All the world has left us behind. No one can hear our voices."

The woman, who has spoken previously to ITV News about her decision to hide indoors after the fall of Kabul, said after one week of Taliban rule she feels the worst she has ever felt.

She remains stuck in the country, and says she is unable to get on an evacuation flight to safety despite multiple attempts via the US and various European governments.

"The children of Afghanistan, the women of Afghanistan, the future of Afghanistan," she said have all been "left behind".

'I don't know what to do, I don't know what the future will be'

She said she had been refused permission to go to work by the Taliban, her 16-year-old sister has not been allowed to go to secondary school after being told only primary schools are open, and another sister has not been allowed to return to university.

She added: "They've published rules that say classes should be separated and that male teachers should teach men and boys and women just women and girls."

She says she has only left home to try to get to the airport to speak to foreign soldiers about her position - but she has so far been unsuccessful.

Western forces are due to pull out of Afghanistan by the end of August, with the evacuations due to be wound up in the next few days in order to get military personnel out ahead of the deadline.

When will British and US forces need to start pulling out?

With the US providing the bulk of the military and logistical might behind the operation no other nation could realistically stay without their support.

With the prospect of life under the Taliban looming the woman said she, her family and friends do not know what their futures will hold.

Before the Taliban took over she worked as a journalist and wrote articles supporting the government, actions which she now believes put her at risk.

"I have emailed all embassies to ask them to save me and my family.

"I've emailed and texted them every day and told them please do something for me. Still no response," she said.

"I've heard that the Europeans are leaving in six days," she told ITV News.

"I don't know what to do. I don't know what the future will be, what our situation will be on August 31 after the allies get out. What about us?"

She said she is so fearful she daren't go near her window in case someone identifies her.

The British government has committed to getting as many out as possible, prioritising British passport holders and Afghans who've helped the UK over the last 20 years.

The UK has so far helped fly almost 12,300 people out Afghanistan - but senior officials have admitted not everyone will get out.

To listen to the voice recordings please click the link below:


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